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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Minnesota Math Standards - 2nd GradeMathScore aligns to the Minnesota Math Standards for 2nd Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Mathematical ReasoningApply skills of mathematical representation, communication and reasoning throughout the remaining four content strands. 1. Create and solve word problems using actions, objects, words, pictures or numbers. (Basic Word Problems ) 2. Estimate and check that answers are reasonable. 3. Explain to others how a problem was solved. Number Sense, Computation and OperationsA. Number SenseUnderstand place value, ways of representing whole numbers and relationships among whole numbers. Understand the concept of unit fractions. 1. Read, write with numerals, compare and order numbers to 999. (Counting Squares , Place Value to 1000 , Order Numbers to 1000 ) 2. Count by 2s, 5s, 10s from any given whole number. (Skip Counting ) 3. Understand and demonstrate the significance of groups of 10 in the base 10 number system. 4. Represent numbers in equivalent ways. 5. Recognize, name, compare and represent unit fractions with drawings or concrete materials. (Basic Fraction Comparison , Fraction Comparison , Fraction Pictures ) B. Computation and Operation Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates with whole numbers in real-world and mathematical problems. 1. Use one- and two-digit addition and subtraction to solve real-world and mathematical problems. (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse , Fast Subtraction , Basic Word Problems , Addition Grouping ) 2. Demonstrate understanding of the relationships between odd and even numbers in addition and subtraction such as, odd + odd = even or odd - even = odd. 3. Understand the concept of multiplication as repeated addition or in rectangular arrays. (Understanding Multiplication ) 4. Understand the concept of division as repeated subtraction or sharing equally. (Understanding Division ) Patterns, Functions and AlgebraA. Patterns and FunctionsUnderstand repeating, growing and shrinking patterns. 1. Recognize, create and extend repeating, growing and shrinking patterns using numbers, concrete objects and pictures. (Patterns: Numbers , Patterns: Shapes ) B. Algebra (Algebraic Thinking) Understand basic properties of addition and subtraction. 1. Describe what happens when zero is added to a number or subtracted from a number. 2. Generate equivalent expressions for a given number such as 24 = 17 + 7 or 24 = 100 - 76. 3. Determine the truth-value of an equation such as: true or false 7 = 5 + 1. 4. Understand that adding two numbers in any order results in the same sum. (Commutative Property 1 ) 5. Understand that grouping numbers in multiple addend problems, in any order, results in the same sum. (Associative Property 1 ) Data Analysis, Statistics and ProbabilityA. Data and StatisticsCollect and represent data in real-world and mathematical problems. 1. Collect and record categorical data. 2. Create pictographs and real-object graphs to represent data. 3. Identify patterns in graphs or data sets. (Line Graphs ) B. Probability (Standards under this heading may be locally determined.) Spatial Sense, Geometry and MeasurementA. Spatial SenseUnderstand the concept of symmetry and apply to simple drawings. 1. Create symmetrical patterns and designs. B. Geometry Use attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes to identify them and distinguish between them. 1. Investigate and predict the results of putting together and taking apart two- and three-dimensional shapes. 2. Sort, classify, compare and describe two- and three-dimensional objects according to their geometrical attributes. (Geometric Shapes ) C. Measurement Measure length, time, temperature and money using appropriate tools and units to solve real-world and mathematical problems. 1. Estimate standard and nonstandard linear measurements, then measure to check answer. (Requires outside materials ) 2. Tell time to the quarter hour, half hour and hour using analog and digital clocks, distinguishing between a.m. and p.m. (Telling Time ) 3. Know relationships among units of time such as minutes in an hour, days in a month and weeks in a year. 4. Read and write amounts of money using $ for dollar, ¢ for cents, and proper placement of the decimal point with amounts of money. (Counting Money ) 5. Combine coins to create amounts up to one dollar. (Counting Money ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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